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Five-page SES Resume

May, 16, 2011

Changes in SES Application Requirements: The Five-Page Resume

Although there are conflicting opinions on how hiring reform in the federal government is affecting the Senior Executive Service (SES) hiring process, there have definitely been some changes in SES vacancy announcements. For example, just a couple of years ago, 8-, 10-, or even 12-page SES resumes were still very common. However, as early as 2009, some agencies began placing a five-page limit on SES resume submissions.

SES Candidate Development Programs

January, 24, 2011

From the U.S. Office of Personnel Management Web Site:
Plus Information about the USDA SES Candidate Application:

Candidate Development Programs

Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Programs (SESCDPs) are OPM-approved training programs designed to develop the executive qualifications of employees with strong executive potential to qualify them for and authorize their initial career appointment to the SES. CDPs include a variety of activities that prepare candidates for success in the SES. In addition, CDPs advance the goal of a “corporate SES,” a diverse corps of career executives who share a Government-wide perspective. These executives share values and a common identity that reach beyond their individual professions or agencies. They are well positioned to lead change both within their agencies and throughout Government.

SES Pay Raises Taper Off

October, 26, 2010

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently released a report of 7,436 Senior Executive Service (SES) members and found that in FY 2009, the average percent increase in pay was lower than in FY 2008. In FY 2009, SES members received an average salary increase of 2.7 percent, as opposed to the 3.7 percent increase the year before.

Read entire article from

ISO 9001 Certification Update

September, 01, 2010

CareerPro Global, Inc. has received final ISO 9001: 2008 Certification as of August 24, 2010.  CareerPro Global is the first and only careers management company in the world with this renowned credential, attesting to its dedication to quality and accountability in an otherwise unregulated industry.

The ISO 9001: 2008 Certification is an affirmation of a strict, monitored management process. It is important to know that the company itself is the one being certified. The actual products are not. This is an important, standard designation by ISO.

Hot Careers in Senior Executive Service

March, 02, 2009

The Federal Government is hiring in a big way and the Obama administration offers the promise of some fresh ideas and opportunities for senior executives. Now is a great time to consider being part of the ong term solution to the problems that face our country. These positions are at the highest level of government employment and you need to demonstrate your abilities and background as a visionary leader and strategic architect among other traits.

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